19 January 2011

My cat tried to knock over my TV this morning...

...WHY ARE MY BEST FRIENDS FIGHTING?! It's hard to watch.

Hello, my name is Unimportant!

Introductions are cliche in my opinion but perhaps of slight necessity. However... my name is unimportant, as is my age. I'll say this: I'm a young female with vague aspirations and low tolerance for stupidity. Like the other day, I yelled at a lady for looking at cheese. I'd tell you more of that story, but I like the mysterious and possibly gloriously deranged image it projects on me to leave it at that.

I made my first eBay bid tonight! That's a big deal for me, because I'm not very good at figuring out the logistics of online shopping. It's more trouble than it's worth a lot of times, unless you know what you're doing, which I clearly do not. Anyway, I made a bid on a human spine.

JUST KIDDING! I don't have $500 to spend of a spine. If I did though....