19 January 2011

Hello, my name is Unimportant!

Introductions are cliche in my opinion but perhaps of slight necessity. However... my name is unimportant, as is my age. I'll say this: I'm a young female with vague aspirations and low tolerance for stupidity. Like the other day, I yelled at a lady for looking at cheese. I'd tell you more of that story, but I like the mysterious and possibly gloriously deranged image it projects on me to leave it at that.

I made my first eBay bid tonight! That's a big deal for me, because I'm not very good at figuring out the logistics of online shopping. It's more trouble than it's worth a lot of times, unless you know what you're doing, which I clearly do not. Anyway, I made a bid on a human spine.

JUST KIDDING! I don't have $500 to spend of a spine. If I did though....

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