23 April 2011

Employment and Marriage, OR, Things that adults talk about.

There have been 3 things on my minds lately, and I'm going to pick through them one by one in front of you, right now.

1. I have a job.

This is great! I am a wage-earning adult! The problem is that I'm a pansy and I work outside. (At a baseball stadium.) The last couple of days I've actually had to wear a winter coat to prevent frostbite and hypothermia. Probably. I was just miserable because it was really cold. And everyone kept asking me if I was staying warm and I wanted to yell, "NO YOU MORON, I'M NOT KEEPING WARM, IT'S 38 FREAKING DEGREES AND I'VE BEEN OUT HERE FOR 4 HOURS ALREADY!" But I have to be all professional and crap and be like, "Doing my best!" (grin). It's surprisingly easy for me to be kind and courteous and professionally chipper at work though. It's like I have a customer service switch that has been off all my life and now suddenly you give me a walkie-talkie and some responsibilities and thwack it's flipped on. WEIRD. Also I'm pretty sure I saw my 7th grade social studies teacher tonight. The reason I think so is because he looks like Bill Gates only less attractive (gap-toothed and huge nose). I laughed because he didn't recognize me. Hopefully it's because I no longer resemble a preteen female Spock. But maybe it's because I was wearing sunglasses and smiling, neither of which he ever saw me do.

2. My biological clock doesn't know poop from applesauce apparently.

I want to get married. It's just hit me in the last 6 months. Actually "hit" isn't the right word. It's more like... it's crept up on me. It's like there's someone sitting behind me whisperingmaaaaaaariage and the whispering is getting progressively louder as time passes. First it was like you should think about the possibility of marriage in the future.. Then it was like look, your friends are getting married. They're so happy. Now it's like you want to get married, don't you? Pretty soon it will be like You should get married. And then... GET MARRIED! GET MARRIED NOW! TRICK SOMEONE INTO MARRYING YOU OR YOU ARE GOING TO DIE ALONE! ALOOOOOONE!!!!

So that's been fun. It's actually pretty stupid because I'm way too young to get married. I've also had some pretty messed up relationships in the past that have confused me about what love actually is and what I actually want from life. Allow me to demonstrate this with a graph:

As you can see, the Y axis represents Age in Years. As you can also see, I do things a lot earlier. I could have added events such as "first period" and "death" but I think this gives you the general idea. Also I completely ran out of room. Long story short: I'd like to get married and have babies now, please.

3. ...

I don't really remember what 3 was supposed to be. I'm exhausted. So I think I'm just going to end this post now. Because who's even going to read it? Nobody, that's who. Although I'd love to be proved wrong. Anyone? Anyone?




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