02 March 2011

Let Them Eat Cake

It's March Second! And March Second is Cake Day!

I baked a cake today, from scratch, with love and care and artful craftsmanship. Well... I don't know about artful, but it's at least sort of cute. Anyway, I spent probably 3 hours of my life on this cake, whipping egg whites and creaming butter, and all that jazz. Stupidly, I realized that I really had nobody to share the cake with after it was done, sitting frosted and also undesired on my counter. A whole cake. Which is actually exactly what you want to eat when you realize you don't really have friends... a whole cake.

Of course I have friends. But I'm at that transitional phase in my life where I am starting to lose touch and common ground with the friends I once had (not that I really had that many to begin with) and am trying to make new ones. Seems like every day I notice a new person that has deleted me from Facebook. I know it's petty but it kind of hurts my feelings. The rumor mill, who shall remain nameless, might have had a little something to do with it, and that's fine because they obviously weren't my friends anyway if they believe him over me. But sometimes they're people who I just want to be like "Really? YOU deleted ME?!" Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

What's my topic again? Oh, right, friends and cake. So I wanted to share my cake with someone... but I couldn't really think of anyone to share it with. Because everyone has gone off to college and I... well... haven't gone off. My life seems to be following a different path of enlightenment than theirs so to speak. I look at my mom and wonder how she found her best friends now. The first one she met in Lamaze class when she was 18 (score one for teen pregnancy). So that's out. The other one she met at work, but it turns out they knew each other from middle school. Since I still talk to exactly 0 friends I had in middle school on a regular basis, and my job is... well we'll see when we get there. But anyway... I don't know.

I'm making friends at church left and right, which is awesome. I even got asked on a date! (it's not a REAL date, mind you, but still, this is big for me.) That's happened all of like... oh I don't know... 2 other times in my entire life. Maybe. I'm not even sure. I can certainly count the number of times I've had feelings for someone on one hand (with some fingers cut off). Anyway, I'm just hoping that some of these friendships will grow to be deep and lasting... and that I will have lots of people to share cake with next year.

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