15 September 2011

Sweater Weather

Yesterday, September 14th, was the first day of sweater weather this season. I have mixed feelings about this because while I love wearing sweaters and boots, getting them all out again means that winter is eminent and I will have to put away my flip flops and skirts. (Except on Sundays as far as the skirts go.) And we all know how we feel about winter, right?

Okay, let me explain something to you about sweater weather. It gets to you. It really does. This isn't an exaggeration. At least, not for me. The first week of sweater weather, you're excited and refreshed that you don't immediately sweat off your makeup when you step outside. The crisp, cool air fills your lungs and you never want to exhale. The second week of sweater weather you have forgotten the significance of putting on your sweater. The third week of sweater weather you start to grow agitated with the static in your hair. The fourth week fills you with dread and the fifth week... by the fifth week of sweater weather you feel the hope slowly slipping away from you, bit by bit, piece by piece, until large chunks of it fall off into your hands and crumble into dust.

Maybe that is just a little bit dramatic. but after a month of the static, tangled hair and dry, itchy skin, I'm already sick of it. And by that point there are still 3 months of it to go. 3 more months of the underside of your hair being tangled into a ratty mess from rubbing against the wooly sweaters. 3 months of chapped lips that make you look like a Kool Aid junkie. 3 more months of having to apply moisturizer to your face every 2 hours so it doesn't flake off.

This makes me nervous because sweater weather has come particularly early this year. By like... a month. And it stayed really late last season too. Which means the year 2011 will have 9 months of sweater weather and 3 months of "I wish I didn't have to wear anything" weather. Someone riddle me this: When am I just going to be COMFORTABLE?!

I had to wear my coat to work last night. I came home with chapped lips, tangled hair and a windburned face. It reminded me of the very beginning of the season, when I wanted to die every night.

In short, I guess sweater weather is back. To which I have this to say:


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