08 November 2011

If I Was President of The United States.

Here's a theoretical diary entry that I wrote because I'm insane.

Dear Diary,

It's a beautiful spring day here in Washington, and I wish I had the chance to take more of a walk than the one from the residence to the west wing. Rod and Michael played outside for a good portion of the day and I did enjoy Michael kicking his soccer ball. He really is daddy's boy, which is so good for both of them. Sometimes I just feel like I'm missing out. I can't really complain though because Rod and I enjoyed a little "alone time" in my private study while Michael was at kindergarten today. Never have I been more thankful that I decided to wear a skirt! We may have rattled a few screws loose on my desk, though. I need to get it looked at anyway.

The budget meetings ran long today, which was brutal. And since this is just between us, the Prime Minister of Israel can be a real dick sometimes. I'm so sick of him patronizing me the way he does. Do you think he called Clinton or Bush or Obama or Romney or O'Connor "dear"? I don't think so. At least I hope not. I don't know why he would call the leader of the free world "dear."

I finally made it up to the residence for dinner tonight for the first time this week. Michael was so thrilled and it made me feel terribly guilty. I need to get to dinner more often than I do. It's been so busy preparing for the summit that I haven't even eaten most nights. Lately I've been feeling rather nauseous. I hope it's just from stress.... otherwise... Oh, I can't even think about it. I would just have to consider myself fortunate that my second term is almost up.

These years have flown by so fast.

No time for nostalgia now. I had better get to bed... at this point I have about 6 hours to sleep which is a welcome night. Provided there isn't a national security crisis. Knock on wood.

With Love,
Kennedy Montgomery

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