24 October 2011

ANOTHER Top 10! You're welcome!

Presenting the Top 10 Things that are Motherf-ing Awesome in every way. Ready? GO!


It's vast, it's infinite, it makes you feel small and insignificant. And there's no gravity, beyotch.

2. Sy-Fi Original Movies

Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, Boobs, Cake, and poorly animated giant reptiles!

3. Abraham Lincoln.

Two words: Emancipation Proclamation.

4. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Friendship IS magic, you guys. And Rainbow Dash OWNS.

5. George Washington

G-Dubs is the Father of this Nation. No justification needed.

6. Geena Davis.

Do I really need to explain myself here? She's got legs for miles and is Stuart Little's mom. And she's all feministy and was the President on TV and is really smart and funny and AWESOME.

7. Utah.

This is Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon. Tell me that's not one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen.

8. Backpacks with a variety of pockets

You can fit like everything in there! And everything has its own little place and it's like everything has a home and is all snug and cozy and has a place where it just belongs......

9. Apple Computers

Ever gotten a computer virus? I haven't.

10. Baseball

Best sport ever. Case in point... HOT.

Bonus Number 11. CAKE.

Because CAKE!

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