03 October 2011

Has Anybody Seen My Nobel Prize?

I swear I just had it a minute ago....

So I've been thinking constantly, pretty much obsessively about my trip (4 days!!!) and all the things I need to think about and remember and all that. What I was thinking about today is how I'm going to introduce myself to Matt's family, whom I will be meeting while I'm in Utah. There are so many options... and I have so many concerns. Do I hug them? Shake their hands? Kiss them on the cheek? I'm so concerned about my first impression that I might just pee myself, cry and run away.

Just kidding. For as often as I allude to incontinence, my bladder control really is top notch.

Anyway, here are just a few of my introductory options. You can vote on which one is the best, hypothetical and non-existent readers.

-"Hi, I'm Glory! Oh, these? No, they're not real, I got them for my 16th birthday!"

-"Pleasure to meet you! Matt has told me so little about you that I actually feel really awkward right now..."

-"Hi, I'm Glory Allegory. Yes, THE Glory Allegory. No, no, I didn't bring my Nobel Prize. Next time."

-"Hi! I'm Glory! I really like space. I want to go to space someday. Do you like space? Isn't space amazing? There's so much space up there! You can just be in space forever."

-"Don't talk to me... The Tigers game is on."

-"..." (bursts into tears)

Honestly I'm so nervous that I can't even come up with funny introductions. I'm really stressing out over what I'm going to wear and how I'm going to do my hair and my makeup and what I'm going to say and how I'm going to make them think I'm charming because oh my gosh WHAT IF I'M NOT CHARMING?!

This is a disaster.

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